Take a nap when you need it
Buy a flower
Enroll in a class
Rent a funny movie
Make a collage
Get a physical
Call a friend
Take a bike ride
Go for a walk
Visit a museum
Roller skate
Find a new hobby
Listen to a favorite album
Write a letter to the editor
Buy a coloring book or crayons
Donate to a valuable cause
Look at old photos
Draw a picture of your feelings
Ask for help
Read a love story
Read a biography of someone you respect
Write to your member of Congress
Schedule a massage
Volunteer for an organization
Write to a favorite relative
Take a hot bath
Look at the different colors of flowers
Use rush hour traffic as a time to
Get a new haircut
Look for a four leaf clover
Design your dream home
Cook a great dinner for yourself
Take a walk in the woods
Watch a sad movie, cry
Take a teddy bear to lunch
Spend a rainy day at the public library
List your accomplishments
Define one goal and how to reach it
Learn a new skill
Go to a concert
Read poetry
Vegetate for an hour
Have someone else clean your house
Read a children's book
Talk to your parents
Rescue an animal from the animal shelter
Finger paint
See a Walt Disney film
Try a new healthy recipe
Trade skills with a friend
Drink more water
Take swimming lessons
Have dinner with a friend
Send flowers to yourself
Learn some new words
Read yourself a bed-time story
Ask someone to read you a story
Say "no" to a request
Drink a cup of herbal tea
Join a gym
Dance naked in your living room
Go though old diaries, letters, books
Tie-dye a shirt
Eat breakfast outside
Recycle something
Clean out a closet, give stuff away
Eat something for the first time
Get your cholesterol level checked
Stand outside in the rain
Get your teeth cleaned
Go to a sauna
Plan and save for a treat or holiday
Try cruelty free personal products
Give yourself a facial
Ask for a hug
Give a hug
Talk to God
Paint some furniture
Read a joke book
Go to a funny movie
Call in sick
Pick up the best looking apple and
eat it
Unplug the phone for an hour or two
Take a walk in the park
Make amends for an old wrong
Learn a foreign language
Talk to a friendly-looking stranger
Read about other cultures
Try something you were afraid of
Buy some seedlings, grow things
Practice not losing your temper
Relive your favorite childhood memory
Throw a party for your favorite people
Go to a lake, look at the water
Think of things to be grateful for
Give that good server a big tip
Join a new group.